Monday, May 14, 2018

Download Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell PSP iso Android Free Gaming Rom

Download Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell PSP iso Android Free Gaming Rom

Download Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell PSP iso Android Free Gaming Rom

Download Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell PSP iso Android Game on PSP Play Station Portable .Splinter Cell: Essentials starts off in 2009, after the events of Splinter Cell: Double Agent. Sam Fisher sneaks into the graveyard where his daughter, Sarah, who has been recently killed in a car accident, has been buried. Fisher is arrested at this grave site, taken into custody and interrogated. During this time, Sam recalls past events, that are then played as missions.

The first flashback mission is set in Colombia back in 1992. Fisher is at this time a member of the Navy SEALs. His commanding officer, Douglas Shetland, has been captured by FARC guerrillas. Going against the direct order of the commanding officer, he performs a solo rescue mission of the commander.

However, in the end of Splinter Cell PSP iso,Sam admits that he did kill his Third Echelon handler, Colonel Irving Lambert. In the final mission, Sam steals the evidence and escapes.

Primarily this has to do with the fact that all levels in each version of the game are completely original, each having unique layouts and mission objective solutions. For levels which take place in the same locations, the time of day is different. Some mission locations occur during day in one version (360/PS3/PC) and night in the other (Xbox/PS2/Wii). In some cases the level order is different or the game includes an exclusive location not found in another version of the game (I.E. Money Train on Xbox/PS2/Wii and Shanghai on 360/PS3/PC). Some of Essential's levels were modified into exclusive levels on the PS2 version of Double Agent, the Belgrade City mission was modified into Cargo Ship mission, and Norte de Santander was modified into the German Bunker mission.

A similar situation occurs during each games decision to choose the outcome of Irving Lambert. In all three games Splinter Cell PSP iso  Lambert acts as Sam's undercover field runner, but is ultimately discovered by the JBA. In the Xbox 360/PS3/PC version the choices are given, either for Sam to shoot Lambert or to shoot Jamie to save Lambert. Essentials is similar to the 360 version, but only gives the option of shooting Lambert (later stating he died of his wounds). Sam Fisher does not shoot Lambert in the Xbox/PS2/Wii version of Double Agent, instead Lambert infiltrates JSA as a weapon seller, Wilkes, Sam Fisher is given the option of remotely exposing Lambert's identity (other JSA members kill Lambert) or enhancing it (Lambert takes a beating but lives).

How To Install

  • Download PPSSPP.apk
  • Play and enjoy the game.

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