Download Cash Organizer - finance Free For Android
Cash Organizer - finance - a program that will allow you to conduct financial accounting of any complexity. It has a wide functionality, and extremely easy to use interface, suitable for a variety of financial objectives, such as to effectively plan a family budget, or to calculate the profitability of branches and subsidiaries. Cloud syncing between devices (including the desktop) allows you to seamlessly conduct general finances several participants simultaneously.
Cash Organizer is a personal finance manager, that makes it possible to control and monitor budget, notifies about the planned payments and provides with quick access to all accounts where ever you are.
* Cloud database with full encription data
* 2,500+ financial institutions
* Desktop version for Windows and Mac with full features
* Web with full features
* Android and iOS apps
* Category with unlimited structure
* Project with unlimited structure
* Tags
* Reporting for Category, Project, Payee and Tag
* Report exporting CSV
* Running register balances
* Scheduled transactions
* Split transactions
* Budgets and Budget Groups
* Autofill Data
* Account Groups
* Forecasting
* Multi-currency System with Exchange Rate History
Cash Organizer for Desktop and Web
* Imports data from Quicken (QIF, QFX)
* Export data to TXT, CSV, HTML, PDF
* Unlimited reports.
* Unlimited edit data
* Other unlimited functions
If you want to know more about Cash Organizer