Watermark Software Pro 8.1 Final DC.20.01.2016 is an easy-to-use and useful tool that helps us to protect those images that we got on the network with authorship, and they are not used improperly by other users. To do this, create a watermark on the image, where we can put a text or an image with website or author/creator name. The program allows you to add various types of watermarks like text, in the form of a QR code or characters that are invisible, and whose data can be found in the EXIF information.
Watermark Software Pro 8.1 License Patch Features:
Its operation is very simple: choose the folder where are the images that we want to mark, and the destination where you want to be keep. We indicate the format in which we want to them (JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP or GIF). We chose the transparency with which will be the watermark, and where you want to place in the image. We can see the result of what we are doing through the preview that offers the program. And after choosing the text or image that appears, Watermark Software Pro 8.1 Crack Download will create new images with their watermark.
In the case when we have a large database of photos, you can secure them in batch mode, which greatly reduce the time for the entire task. The size of the watermark is adjusted to the size of the graphics in order to maintain proportionality. Watermark Software also allows you to add borders, crop, mass rename if the size of the image file. Create watermarks can be arrange by mixing together both graphics and text, which you can also edit the (font, size, color)
Installation Instructions:
1- Open [watermark-software.exe] and install the software.
2- Close Internet connection and use serial.
3- Block program with firewall.
Enjoy Watermark Software Pro 8.1 final full version.
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