Agisoft PhotoScan Professional 1.2.1 Build 2278 Latest is a stand-alone software product that performs photogrammetric processing of digital images and generates 3D spatial data to be used in GIS applications, cultural heritage documentation, and visual effects production as well as for indirect measurements of objects of various scales. Wisely implemented digital photogrammetry technique enforced with computer vision methods results in smart automated processing system that, on the one hand, can be managed by a new-comer in the field of photogrammetry, yet, on the other hand, has a lot to offer to a specialist who can adjust the workflow to numerous specific tasks and different types of data.
PhotoScan Professional 1.2.1 Crack Patch Features:
– Photogrammetric triangulation
– Dense point cloud: editing and classification
– Digital elevation model: DSM/DTM export
– Georeferenced orthomosaic export
– Measurements: distances, areas, volumes
– Ground control points: high accuracy surveying
– Python scripts: customize processing workflow
– Multispectral imagery processing
– 3D model: generation and texturing
– 4D modeling for dynamic scenes
– Panorama stitching
Installation Instructions:
Open [photoscan-pro_1_2_1_x64.msi] or [photoscan-pro_1_2_1_x86.msi] and install the software.
Use the keygen to generate a serial number and register the program.
Enjoy PhotoScan Professional 1.2.1 final full version.
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