Great Widget because it does not takes a lot space even makes you more valuable space and still is the main thing, the navigation menu just as this is the on the side bur and if you have a little more knowledge of jquery or css area, then you can also do custom variants. I looks nice and is very functional. You have a a demo, it is easy to install and easy to uninstall. Just remove the widget.

First and most important for the widget, to work is to add this code into the blogger immediately after <head> tag
<script src="">
Place the following code into the HTML / JavaScript box in the sidebar and that's all.
Replace all with this COLOR with your titles or tags
Replace hashtag #' with your link
Replace this - width, width: 300px; as needed
You can make some more custom variation because it's very easy to handle
That's all, click save and your done, happy bloging